고양특례시 제14대 일산서구청장으로 최영수 구청장이 6일 취임했다.
이날 최영수 구청장은 취임 시기가 동절기인 만큼 별도 취임식은 생략하고 관내 제설 장비 전진기지를 방문하여 설해 대책 추진 상황과 사전 대비 태세 등 폭설과 한파에 대한 대응 체계를 점검하는 것으로 업무를 시작했다.
특히, 최 구청장은 취임 전인 1월 4일 대설 주의보가 발령됨에 따라 관내 제설 현장에 방문해 제설작업에 손을 보태며 직원들을 격려하기도 했다.
최영수 일산서구청장은 “일산서구는 최근 벤처기업육성 촉진지구 지정과 GTX-A 노선 개통 등으로 고양 시민들의 직주근접, 삶의 질 향상을 선도하는 지역”이라며 “민선8기 역점사업인 경제자유구역 지정이 예정된 고양시 미래먹거리 개발의 핵심 지역”이라고 말했다.
또한 “중요한 시기에 서구를 이끌 막중한 임무를 맡게 돼 어깨가 무거운 것도 사실이지만 부서 간의 협업은 물론 현장을 누비는 시민과의 소통으로 현안 업무를 차질 없이 추진해서 30만 구민이 행복하고 안전한 삶을 영위할 수 있는 일산서구를 만들겠다.”라고 밝혔다.
한편, 최영수 제14대 일산구청장은 1990년 지방행정서기보로 공직 생활을 시작해 2017년 사무관으로 승진, 기획정책관 등 주요 부서 부서장을 지냈으며, 2021년 서기관으로 승진하여 교육문화국장, 자족도시실현국장 등 주요 요직을 거쳤다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
14th Mayor of Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang City, Choi Young-soo Inaugurated
- After the inauguration ceremony was omitted, on-site inspection of heavy snow and cold wave response system
- “I will work to ensure that 300,000 residents can live safely”
Mayor Choi Young-soo took office as the 14th Mayor of Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang Special City on the 6th.
On this day, Mayor Choi Young-soo omitted a separate inauguration ceremony as his inauguration period was in the winter, and began his work by visiting the advance base of snow removal equipment in the district to inspect the progress of snow damage countermeasures and the response system to heavy snow and cold waves, including the preemptive preparation system.
In particular, on January 4, before his inauguration, Mayor Choi visited a snow removal site in the district to help with snow removal work and encourage employees as a heavy snow advisory was issued.
Ilsanseo-gu Mayor Choi Young-soo said, “Ilsanseo-gu is a region that is leading the improvement of the quality of life and proximity to work for Goyang citizens through the recent designation of a venture business promotion zone and the opening of the GTX-A line,” and “It is a key region for the development of future food in Goyang City, which is scheduled to be designated as a free economic zone, a key project of the 8th local government.”
He also said, “It is true that I feel a heavy burden as I am entrusted with the important task of leading Seo-gu at an important time, but I will work with the citizens who are on the ground as well as through collaboration between departments to smoothly push forward with current issues and create an Ilsanseo-gu where 300,000 residents can live happy and safe lives.”
Meanwhile, Choi Young-soo, the 14th Ilsanseo-gu Mayor, began his public service career as a local administrative secretary in 1990, was promoted to administrative officer in 2017, and served as the head of major departments such as the Planning and Policy Officer. He was promoted to secretary in 2021 and held key positions such as the Director of the Education and Culture Bureau and the Director of the Self-Sufficiency City Realization Bureau.